University of Leicester

Interactive maps for exploratory spatial analysis : cartographic visualization approach, implementation and application

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posted on 2014-12-15, 10:39 authored by Jason. Dykes
One of the primary reasons for this technology-induced change is that highly dynamic maps are being used increasingly across the sciences as tools through which initial exploratory analyses of geographic information can be made in a process termed 'visualization'. Maps are no longer used solely to record information and communicate summaries to large audiences. The dynamic and highly interactive software descendants of the paper maps of the previous decade form an active part in the process of knowledge acquisition and are changing the way in which science is undertaken. They are used by highly skilled individuals to determine patterns and elicit trends from huge, complex and growing databases of spatial information.;The work presented here describes research efforts undertaken to develop generally applicable new methods through which the techniques derived for the cartography of the past can be effectively applied to the map use of the present and future. It makes the case for an approach to visualization that synthesises techniques developed in a number of fields. It utilises cartographic symbolism in a two-dimensional software environment through which maps can be produced that contain high levels of interaction and flexibility. The argument is supported at three levels: An approach is presented that makes imaginative and innovative use of a scripting language for graphical user interface production, in order to provide an environment for visualization; Working software that implements the approach in order to address issues concerned with the analysis of enumerated spatial information is then provided and detailed; This is then applied to a number of scenarios in which visualization is undertaken, and to address evolving research issues of concern to the cartographic and statistical communities.;Finally assessments are made of the usage and utility of the methods presented and some extensions are both suggested and offered. The changes to cartography that occur in the next decade are likely to be just as profound as those experienced in the past decade. The realm of cartography continues to expand, as do the types of map that are achievable, the applications to which maps are put and the numbers of map users. An assessment is made of likely trends and ways in which the approach presented can provide a useful contribution to the future of cartographic visualization. Interactive software, dynamic figures and computer scripts provided in separate appendices form a major element of the work, in terms of the illustration, demonstration and specification of the methods used.


Date of award


Author affiliation


Awarding institution

University of Leicester

Qualification level

  • Doctoral

Qualification name

  • PhD



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