posted on 2016-05-12, 11:59authored byIan James Marshman
This project presents and analyses all of the signet rings and intaglios so far unearthed in
Roman Britain to reinterpret how they were used and their role within provincial society. These small
artefacts have traditionally been regarded as attractive but relatively insignificant minor objets d’art,
with little relevance to the wider discourses of Romanists. This thesis attempts a more critical
examination of how they were used and their role within provincial Roman society. I argue that signet
rings were an essential element in provincial society that should no longer be overlooked. This project
builds on the pioneering Corpus assembled by Martin Henig in the 1970s, including more recent
discoveries and more than doubling the material available to him. This combined body of evidence
includes 2,012 signet rings and intaglios, making it one of the largest contextualised assemblages of
these objects ever studied. It also benefits from the results of developer funded archaeology and the
advent of recording by the Portable Antiquities Scheme, enabling us to create a richer and more
detailed picture how they were used.
My approach has been to resituate these objects in terms of the archaeological context in
which they were found, but also to consider them as functional as well as decorative objects. When
studied in this way signet rings provide a unique perspective on the identity of their wearers, and how
they wanted to present themselves to others. I have found growing evidence for the use of signet rings
amongst local elites before the Roman invasion of Britain, and it is clear that they had a role to play in
negotiating identity after the conquest. I have also been able to identify trends in the way that different
communities used signet rings, both as regards their imagery and materiality. It is also apparent that in
some parts of Britain these objects remained a feature of a type of dress and the hallmark of a society
that remained alien to their inhabitants throughout the Roman period. However, for those who chose to
wear them, signet rings could be more than just objects but reflections of themselves.