posted on 2014-10-09, 10:58authored byPamela Catherine Green
This thesis explores the underlying dynamics of the Thai-based 'Burma Movement',
before and after the game-changing 2010 election. In particular, it investigates the
role of visible organisational divisions related to gender, ethnicity, and leadership
disagreements, alongside differences in work styles and expectations related to
international engagement. The Thai-based 'Burma Movement' posed a puzzle
insofar as the organisational fragmentation of rights-based groups did not
necessarily align with the goals, forms of activism/operation, and strategies of what
was internationally understood as the movement for change in Burma.
Subsequently, analysis of the underlying tensions of ethnic-minority rights-based
organisations, in their specific forms of engagement with influential international
actors, was required to aid understanding of the particular dynamics, successes and
failures of the movement.
The research builds on Bourdieu's tools of field, capital, habitus, and his reflexive
methodological orientation, particularly in how these have been elaborated through
Fligstein and McAdam’s concepts of strategic action fields (SAFs), resources and
social skills. Fieldwork was conducted through semi-structured interviews with
activists from two ethnicities (Arakan and Pa-Oh) on the Thai-Burma border.
Analysing their perspectives revealed two concurrent SAFs: one with a United Burma
orientation, and another based on Grassroots Nationalities . Furthermore, these SAFs
drew on two different orientations related to resource perspectives, the
Internationally-Influenced versus Community/Traditional-Influenced. Ethnicity and
gender were acknowledged as culturally-entwined influences on status and access
to opportunities, but ultimately both served as components within an individual's
outlook rather than as separate SAFs. Authority, leadership and social skills were
also identified as key factors in the success or failure of initiatives, in alignment with
the same SAFs and resource perspectives.
The research concludes that, while leadership and issue/ethnic/gender-related
insularity were indeed important considerations, the identification of underlying, but
divergent, perspectives related to SAFs, resources and applications of social skills
ultimately offered greater explanatory insight.