posted on 2016-01-12, 16:09authored byKim Lewis John Tibbetts-Harlow
This thesis presents Hubble Space Telescope (HST) infra-red imaging of the locations of 40
Swift detected long gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs) with known redshifts z < 3 and subsequent
Of the 40 imaged, host galaxy detections are obtained in 35 cases and upper limits in the
remaining 5. For the 35 detected hosts, there is sufficient quality data to locate the LGRB to
better than an HST pixel (∼ 0.13′′) precision in 30 cases.
Data on the burst locations is shown, as well as on the photometry and morphology of their host
galaxies. Also shown is that the distribution of bursts with respect to the light distribution of
their hosts is similar in the infra-red to that already measured by previous work in the optical.