posted on 2014-12-15, 10:46authored byLindy Newton
The literature regarding dementia care mapping (DCM) and its use as a reliable, valid and efficient tool to assess care practice, is reviewed. Evidence of the growing efficacy of DCM is provided, however, the need for further development and research in a number of areas is highlighted, including nursing staff's experiences of DCM and the impact it has on them. The current study aimed to explore the impact of dementia care mapping (DCM) on nursing staff. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight participants and grounded theory was used to analyse the transcripts. The analysis revealed one core category of conflict and four main categories of carer's role, learning processes, responses and learning consequences. The impact of DCM was such that it represented a learning process that interacted with the carer's role, evoked a response and produced learning consequences. Furthermore, DCM was such that it both induced and reduced conflict for the participants. The findings provide an insight for clinicians working in the field of dementia care who are involved in the training, development and support for nursing staff. Further research is required to define the role and needs of nursing staff who care for individuals with dementia. In addition continued investigation into effectively implementing tools, like DCM, for the purposes of staff development is also required. The critical appraisal reflects on the process and experience of conducting research. Learning points are considered from the difficulties faced to inform future practice..