University of Leicester

Clare Anderson


  • Gender, subalternity, and silence: Recovering convict women's experiences from histories of transportation, c. 1780-18571
  • Discourses of exclusion and the 'convict stain' in the Indian Ocean, c. 1800-1850
  • Discourses of exclusion and the ‘convict stain’ in the Indian Ocean, c. 1800-1850
  • Convict passages in the Indian Ocean, c. 1790-1860
  • The Indian uprising of 1857–8: Prisons, prisoners and rebellion
  • The politics of convict space: Indian penal settlements and the Andaman Islands
  • A global history of exile in Asia, c. 1700-1900
  • Fashioning identities: Convict dress in colonial South and Southeast Asia
  • Colonization, kidnap and confinement in the Andamans penal colony, 1771-1864
  • Introduction to marginal centers: Writing life histories in the Indian Ocean World
  • Writing indigenous women's lives in the Bay of Bengal: Cultures of empire in the Andaman Islands, 1789-1906
  • 'The wisdom of the Barbarian': Rebellion, incarceration, and the Santal body politic
  • The age of revolution in the Indian ocean, bay of Bengal, and South China sea: A maritime perspective
  • Feature representing the Andaman Islands
  • The politics of punishment in colonial Mauritius, 1766-1887
  • History in and of a Penal Colony in the Bay of Bengal: Two Convict Mazars in the Andaman Islands
  • All the World's a Prison: When the European powers began exporting convicts to other continents, they did so to create a deterrent and to establish new settlements across the world. Clare Anderson traces the history of punitive passages
  • Locating penal transportation: Punishment, space, and place c.1750 to 1900
  • After emancipation: Empires and imperial formations
  • The power of words in nineteenth-century prisons: British colonial Mauritius, 1835-1887
  • The Power of Words in Nineteenth-Century Prisons: British Colonial Mauritius, 1835-1887
  • The bel ombre rebellion: Indian convicts in Mauritius, 1815—53
  • Subaltern lives: Biographies of colonialism in the Indian Ocean world, 1790–1920
  • Transportation, Deportation and Exile: Perspectives from the Colonies in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
  • Mutiny and maritime radicalism in the age of revolution: An introduction
  • Editors’ Note
  • Convicts, Commodities, and Connections in British Asia and the Indian Ocean, 1789-1866
  • Genealogies of Enslavement and Convictism: Family Histories and Their Legacies in Barbados, Mauritius, and Australia
  • Introduction: Celebrating the Centenary of the Howard League for Penal Reform and the Howard Journal
  • The transportation of Narain Sing: Punishment, honour and identity from the Anglo-Sikh Wars to the great revolt
  • Subaltern Lives: History, Identity and Memory in the Indian Ocean World
  • The Execution of Rughobursing: The Political Economy of Convict Transportation and Penal Labour in Early Colonial Mauritius
  • Gender, identity, mobility: An introduction to the annual conference edition of the British Association for South Asian Studies
  • Mental health care in Guyana's jails before and after Independence
  • Epidemics in the Past and Now: A roundtable on colonial and postcolonial history
  • Empire and exile: Reflections on the ibis trilogy
  • Sea Tracks and Trails: Indian Ocean Worlds as Method
  • Convicts and coolies: Rethinking indentured labour in the nineteenth century
  • Politics, penality and (post-) colonialism: An introduction
  • Guyana's Prisons: Colonial Histories of Post-Colonial Challenges
  • ‘The Ferringees are flying—the ship is ours!’: The convict middle passage in colonial South and Southeast Asia, 1790–1860
  • Convicts, carcerality and Cape Colony connections in the 19th Century
  • Histories of a Radical Book: A roundtable conversation on empire, colonialism, and E.P. Thompson’s The Making of the English Working Class
  • Coloniality and the Criminal Justice System: Empire and its Legacies in Guyana
  • The Andaman Islands Penal Colony: Race, Class, Criminality, and the British Empire
  • Transnational histories of penal transportation: Punishment, labour and governance in the British Imperial World, 1788-1939
  • Oscar Mallitte's Andaman photographs, 1857-8
  • Forum: Histories of Incarceration in Guyana

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Co-workers & collaborators

Kellie Moss

Research Associate - Leicester

Kellie Moss

Diane Levine

Diane Levine

Mellissa Ifill

Mellissa Ifill

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