University of Leicester

CIC Datasets: Focus Group Transcripts

posted on 2022-07-05, 10:47 authored by Charlotte KingCharlotte King, Diane LevineDiane Levine, Fransiska LouwagieFransiska Louwagie, Sarah Weidman, Kara Blackmore

The Covid in Cartoons project engaged 15-18 year olds with political cartoons and cartoonists to foster processes of meaning-making in relation to the pandemic. Working with Cartooning for Peace and ShoutOut UK we engaged young people in building critical narratives of the crisis and its impact on their lives. We aimed to promote an inclusive, socially-responsive curriculum that supports young people's ability to cope in difficult circumstances. We used surveys, focus groups, and records of the participants' experiences in the form of workbooks to gather data. The project was led by Dr Fransiska Louwagie (PI) and Dr Diane Levine (Co-I), with postdoctoral associates Dr Kara Blackmore and Dr Sarah Weidman, and ran between January 2021 and July 2022. The Covid in Cartoons team carried out focus groups with participants using a 'call and response' approach. Anonymised transcripts can be found here. 


UKRI/AHRC Covid-19 Rapid Response call (£352,054 at 100% FEC and £296,928 at 80% FEC)
