Efficient Word Segmentation is Preserved in Older Adult Readers: Evidence from Eye Movements during Chinese Reading.
College-aged readers use efficient strategies to segment and recognize words in naturally unspaced Chinese text. Whether this capability changes across the adult lifespan is unknown, although segmenting words in unspaced text may be challenging for older readers due to visual and cognitive declines in older age, including poorer parafoveal processing of upcoming characters. Accordingly, we conducted two eye movement experiments to test for age differences in word segmentation, each with 48 young (18–30 years) and 36 older (65+ years) native Chinese readers. Following Zhou and Li (2021), we focused on the processing of “incremental” three-character words, like 幼儿园 (meaning “kindergartens”), which contain an embedded two-character word (e.g., 幼儿, meaning “children”). In Experiment 1, either the three-character word or its embedded word was presented as the target word in sentence contexts where the three-character word always was plausible, and the embedded word was either plausible or implausible. Both age groups produced similar plausibility effects, suggesting age constancy in accessing the embedded word early during ambiguity processing before ultimately assigning an incremental word analysis. Experiment 2 provided further evidence that both younger and older readers access the embedded word early during ambiguity processing, but rapidly select the appropriate (incremental) word. Crucially, the findings suggest that word segmentation strategies do not differ with age. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
Author affiliation
College of Life Sciences/Psychology & Vision SciencesVersion
- AM (Accepted Manuscript)
Published in
Psychology and AgingVolume
American Psychological Associationissn
0882-7974Copyright date
2024Available date
2025-05-01Publisher DOI
enPublisher version
Deposited by
Professor Kevin PatersonDeposit date
2024-02-20Data Access Statement
Datasets and analytic code for analyses in R, and the sentence stimuli for the present experiments (Li et al., 2023) are available via the University of Leicester Figshare repository: https://figshare.com/s/ead1b39103dde4f91aa8Rights Retention Statement
- No