Options are financial derivatives on an underlying security. The Schrodinger and
Heisenberg approach to the quantum mechanics together with the Dirac matrix
approaches are applied to derive the Black-Scholes formula and the quantum Cox-
Rubinstein formula.
The quantum mechanics approach to option pricing is based on the interpretation
of the option price as the Schrodinger wave function of a certain quantum mechanics
model determined by Hamiltonian H. We apply this approach to continuous
time market models generated by Levy processes.
In the discrete time formulization, we construct both self-adjoint and non selfadjoint
quantum market. Moreover, we apply the discrete time formulization
and analyse the quantum version of the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein Binomial Model.
We find the limit of the N-period bond market, which convergences to planar
Brownian motion and then we made an application to option pricing in planar
Brownian motion compared with Levy models by Fourier techniques and Monte
Carlo method.
Furthermore, we analyse the quantum conditional option price and compare for
the conditional option pricing in the quantum formulization. Additionally, we
establish the limit of the spectral measures proving the convergence to the geometric
Brownian motion model. Finally, we found Binomial Model formula and
Path integral formulization gave are close to the Black-Scholes formula.